Thursday, December 29, 2011

Why Is A High Efficiency Furnace Important?


High efficiency furnaces convert more than 90% of the fuel burnt in them into actual heat for the home. This means that these furnaces will burn 35% to 50% less fuel than older furnaces of 60% or lower efficiency. Obviously the fuel bill for these furnaces is much lower than for the old low efficiency furnaces. Not only that but the high efficiency furnace reduces greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere by up to 50% also. This is extremely important since these gases are believed to be responsible at least in part for climate change and global warming. The USA is at present the worlds second highest contributor (just behind China) to greenhouse gas emissions. Here is some data from  Wikipedia  on the subject.
Since about 1750 human activity has increased the concentration of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Measured atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide are currently 100 ppm higher than pre-industrial levels.[40] Natural sources of carbon dioxide are more than 20 times greater than sources due to human activity,[41] but over periods longer than a few years natural sources are closely balanced by natural sinks, mainly photosynthesis of carbon compounds by plants and marine plankton. As a result of this balance, the atmospheric mole fraction of carbon dioxide remained between 260 and 280 parts per million for the 10,000 years between the end of the last glacial maximum and the start of the industrial era.[42]
It is likely that anthropogenic warming, such as that due to elevated greenhouse gas levels, has had a discernible influence on many physical and biological systems. Warming is projected to affect various issues such as freshwater resources, industry, food and health.[43]
The main sources of greenhouse gases due to human activity are:
burning of fossil fuels and deforestation leading to higher carbon dioxide concentrations in the air. Land use change (mainly deforestation in the tropics) account for up to one third of total anthropogenic CO2 emissions.[42]
livestock enteric fermentation and manure management,[44] paddy rice farming, land use and wetland changes, pipeline losses, and covered vented landfill emissions leading to higher methane atmospheric concentrations. Many of the newer style fully vented septic systems that enhance and target the fermentation process also are sources of atmospheric methane.
use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in refrigeration systems, and use of CFCs and halons in fire suppression systems and manufacturing processes.
agricultural activities, including the use of fertilizers, that lead to higher nitrous oxide (N2O) concentrations.
The seven sources of CO2 from fossil fuel combustion are (with percentage contributions for 2000–2004):[45]

Seven main fossil fuel
combustion sources Contribution(%)

Liquid fuels (e.g., gasoline, fuel oil) 36 %
Solid fuels (e.g., coal) 35 %
Gaseous fuels (e.g., natural gas) 20 %
Cement production 3 %
Flaring gas industrially and at wells < 1 %
Non-fuel hydrocarbons < 1 %
"International bunker fuels" of transport
not included in national inventories 4 %
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ranks the major greenhouse gas contributing end-user sectors in the following order: industrial, transportation, residential, commercial and agricultural.[46] Major sources of an individual's greenhouse gas include home heating and cooling, electricity consumption, and transportation. Corresponding conservation measures are improving home building insulation, installing geothermal heat pumps and compact fluorescent lamps, and choosing energy-efficient vehicles.
Carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and three groups of fluorinated gases (sulfur hexafluoride, HFCs, and PFCs) are the major greenhouse gases and the subject of the Kyoto Protocol, which came into force in 2005.[47]
Although CFCs are greenhouse gases, they are regulated by the Montreal Protocol, which was motivated by CFCs' contribution to ozone depletion rather than by their contribution to global warming. Note that ozone depletion has only a minor role in greenhouse warming though the two processes often are confused in the media.
On December 7, 2009, the US Environmental Protection Agency released its final findings on greenhouse gases, declaring that "greenhouse gases (GHGs) threaten the public health and welfare of the American people". The finding applied to the same "six key well-mixed greenhouse gases" named in the Kyoto Protocol: carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, and sulfur hexafluoride.[48][49]

Top emitters
In 2005, the world's top-20 emitters comprised 80% of total GHG emissions (PBL, 2010. See notes for the following table).[78] Tabulated below are the top-5 emitters for the year 2005 (MNP, 2007).[79] The second column is the country's or region's share of the global total of annual emissions. The third column is the country's or region's average annual per capita emissions, in tonnes of GHG per head of population:

Top-5 emitters for the year 2005

Country or region % of global total
annual emissions Tonnes of GHG
per capita

China (b) 17 %  5.8
United States (a) 16 % 24.1
European Union-27 (a) 11 % 10.6
Indonesia (c)  6 % 12.9
India  5 %  2.1
Table footnotes:
These values are for the GHG emissions from fossil fuel use and cement production. Calculations are for carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and gases containing fluorine (the F-gases HFCs, PFCs and SF6).
These estimates are subject to large uncertainties regarding CO2 emissions from deforestation; and the per country emissions of other GHGs (e.g., methane). There are also other large uncertainties which mean that small differences between countries are not significant. CO2 emissions from the decay of remaining biomass after biomass burning/deforestation are not included.
a Industrialised countries: official country data reported to UNFCCC.
b Excluding underground fires.
c Including an estimate of 2000 million tonnes CO2 from peat fires and decomposition of peat soils after draining. However, the uncertainty range is very large.

The above material is quoted from Wikipedia

The above figures clearly indicate that China, the USA and India must reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to stabilize climate change and avoid disastrous global warming. Unfortunately all three countries refuse to participate in international agreements to reduce emissions.This makes it all the more important for individual consumers to reduce their emissions as much as possible. Installation of a high efficiency furnace is a good start to this. Go to our website at  gas furnace costs  for more information and also at
   high efficiency furnaces.


Friday, December 23, 2011

Why Is A high Efficiency Gas Furnace Called A Condensing Furnace?

When you read the l;iterature about gas furnaces you will usually come across the term "condensing gas furnace" which is used to describe a type of furnace with the highest efficiency rating (AFUE). Medium efficiency furnaces are not called condensing gas furnaces. why is this?.

High efficiency furnaces with over 90% efficiency and running up to 97% efficiency are all condensing gas furnaces. Here is how  Manitoba Hydro  explains this.

High-efficiency condensing furnace
One of the by-products of burning natural gas is water
vapour, which contains approximately 10 per cent of the
fuel’s energy. However, in conventional and mid-efficient
furnaces all of the energy contained in the water vapour
escapes through the chimney.
A high efficiency furnace has a secondary heat exchanger
that extracts most of the energy from the water vapour by
condensing it to water. The water is then drained to a floor
drain, via gravity or an optional condensate pump system.
These units cannot use a conventional metal chimney.
The lower temperature flue gases are vented outside using
a special plastic venting system. Plastic pipe is used for
its corrosion resistance properties. The AFUE ratings for
high-efficiency, condensing furnaces is between 90-96
per cent. It is estimated that a high efficiency furnace can
reduce your home’s annual heating bill by up to 35 per
cent compared to a conventional furnace.
Your existing natural gas water heater can be left alone on
the existing chimney as long as it works properly and the
chimney meets the requirements of the National Natural
Gas Installation Code.
However, once the water heater is isolated on the existing
chimney, it may not work properly. Problems such as flue
gases condensing in the chimney, back-drafting or other
venting problems can occur. The chimney may have to
be modified to correct these problems. The most common
modification is installing a smaller diameter chimney liner
into the existing chimney.

The above material is quoted directly from a  Manitoba Hydro  publication. As they explain a condensing gas furnace actually cools burnt gases and extracts heat from them till they become cool enough to condense the water vapor portion of the gases. the liquid water is then drained from the furnace into a floor drain.
For more information about high efficiency furnaces see buy gas furnace and    high efficiency furnaces

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

High Efficiency Furnace Is Leaking Water?


High efficiency furnaces just as with any other mechanical devices can have problems. Recognizing what the problem is, what is causing it, and how to fix it can be difficult for anyone who is not well versed in how a high efficiency furnace works. Here is an article published in  The Bradenton Herald  and written by Angie Hicks about a leaky high efficiency furnace:

Ask Angie: Furnace Leaking Water

By Angie Hicks-
Dear Angie

Why would a furnace leak water at the base? The filter is wet also.

Brent T., Indianapolis

Dear Brent: There could be a few reasons why your furnace is leaking water, but let's start with the most likely one: a condensation leak. High-efficiency furnaces those with an Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) rating of 90 percent or higher have cool exhaust, and as a result, they produce condensation. An easy way to tell if you have a high-efficiency furnace is to look at its vent pipe. If the pipe is white plastic (PVC), you have a high-efficiency furnace.

 Typically, the condensation from a high efficiency gas furnace is channeled to a floor drain. Your leak could be a result of the condensation tubing becoming clogged or from breaks in the line. It could also be a result of the drain becoming clogged. A standard-efficiency furnace which has a metal exhaust pipe should not have condensation. If it does, it could mean that the flue pipe was incorrectly sized. That could allow the hot exhaust to cool down and condense in the pipe, then drain back to the furnace and leak out. If you don't have a condensation issue, it's possible that the secondary heat exchanger in your furnace is the source of your leak. Let's hope not, though. That could be an expensive fix and might even require a complete replacement of your furnace.

 You could also have an issue with your humidifier, which could be leaking inside your furnace. If you've had an annual service check, as you should, this is an unlikely scenario because your service technician would have alerted you to the issue early. If you have neglected that service, you should call for it now because if this is your problem, the leak could do a lot of internal damage to your furnace. There is another possibility. If your air conditioning unit is still operating and it shares an internal drain with your furnace, you could have an internal drain system plug, which is sending water to the furnace.

While we can't diagnose your issue precisely, don't let this go too much longer. Leaks can cause huge issues including damaging parts, flooring and walls and lead to mold growth. It's a clear sign that you need to call in professional help. A reputable heating and cooling specialist should be able to quickly diagnose the leak and offer solutions to your problem. Do your homework and get more than one estimate before you act, but get started now. Angie's List collects about 40,000 consumer reports each month covering more than 350 categories of home-related services. Angie Hicks compiles the best advice from the most highly rated service pros on Angie's List to answer your questions. Ask Angie your question at 2011,

The above material is quoted from the Bradenton Herald.

As with most modern devices the technology advances in furnaces have made them ever more complex in construction and gas furnace prices are higher than ever before. This means that what might have been a do it yourself job on an older furnace is now beyond the capability of the average home owner. Calling a qualified service representative is really the only way to go when it comes to having work done on your high efficiency furnace.
For more information check out  gas furnace prices  and  high efficiency furnaces

Sunday, December 18, 2011

High Efficiency Furnaces Cut Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Most of us are aware that burning fossil fuels such as oil, gas or coal generates waste gases which are emitted into the atmosphere. It is believed by many scientists that these emissions are largely responsible for the climate changes which are presently underway. there is another school of thought which says that climate changes have been continual over the course of geological time and that the present global warming is a natural occurrence which would take place even if we do not emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

It is undoubtedly true that vast climate changes have happened regularly over the milennia. However there is little doubt that even if our greenhpuse gas emissions are not the primary reason for global warming they are certainly contributing to global warming and speeding it up. For this reason many of us want to cut our impact on the atmosphere by reducing our "carbon footprint" as it is often called. Installing a high efficiency gas furnace is one way to make a big cut in the emissions we contribute to the problem. Here is a document published by the  United States Environmental Protection Agency  which discusses the problem of greenhouse gases:

Natural Gas
Electricity Generation Technologies
Natural Gas
Nuclear Energy
Municipal Solid Waste
Non-Hydroelectric Renewable Energy

Electricity from Natural Gas
Natural gas is a fossil fuel formed when layers of buried plants and animals are exposed to intense heat and pressure over thousands of years. The energy that the plants and animals originally obtained from the sun is stored in the form of carbon in natural gas. Natural gas is combusted to generate electricity, enabling this stored energy to be transformed into usable power. Natural gas is a nonrenewable resource because it cannot be replenished on a human time frame.
The natural gas power production process begins with the extraction of natural gas, continues with its treatment and transport to the power plants, and ends with its combustion in boilers and turbines to generate electricity.
Initially, wells are drilled into the ground to remove the natural gas. After the natural gas is extracted, it is treated at gas plants to remove impurities such as hydrogen sulfide, helium, carbon dioxide, hydrocarbons, and moisture. Pipelines then transport the natural gas from the gas plants to power plants.
Power plants use several methods to convert gas to electricity. One method is to burn the gas in a boiler to produce steam, which is then used by a steam turbine to generate electricity. A more common approach is to burn the gas in a combustion turbine to generate electricity.
Another technology, that is growing in popularity is to burn the natural gas in a combustion turbine and use the hot combustion turbine exhaust to make steam to drive a steam turbine. This technology is called "combined cycle" and achieves a higher efficiency by using the same fuel source twice.
Environmental Impacts
Although power plants are regulated by federal and state laws to protect human health and the environment, there is a wide variation of environmental impacts associated with power generation technologies.
The purpose of the following section is to give consumers a better idea of the specific air, water, and solid waste releases associated with natural gas-fired generation.
Air Emissions
At the power plant, the burning of natural gas produces nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxide, but in lower quantities than burning coal or oil. Methane, a primary component of natural gas and a greenhouse gas, can also be emitted into the air when natural gas is not burned completely. Similarly, methane can be emitted as the result of leaks and losses during transportation. Emissions of sulfur dioxide and mercury compoundsfrom burning natural gas are negligible.
The average emissions rates in the United States from natural gas-fired generation are: 1135 lbs/MWh of carbon dioxide, 0.1 lbs/MWh of sulfur dioxide, and 1.7 lbs/MWh of nitrogen oxides.1 Compared to the average air emissions from coal-fired generation, natural gas produces half as much carbon dioxide, less than a third as much nitrogen oxides, and one percent as much sulfur oxides at the power plant.2 In addition, the process of extraction, treatment, and transport of the natural gas to the power plant generates additional emissions.
Water Resource Use
The burning of natural gas in combustion turbines requires very little water. However, natural gas-fired boiler and combined cycle systems do require water for cooling purposes. When power plants remove water from a lake or river, fish and other aquatic life can be killed, affecting animals and people who depend on these aquatic resources.
Water Discharges
Combustion turbines do not produce any water discharges. However, pollutants and heat build up in the water used in natural gas boilers and combined cycle systems. When these pollutants and heat reach certain levels, the water is often discharged into lakes or rivers. This discharge usually requires a permit and is monitored. For more information about these regulations, visit EPA's Office of Water Web site.
Solid Waste Generation
The use of natural gas to create electricity does not produce substantial amounts of solid waste.
Land Resource Use
The extraction of natural gas and the construction of natural gas power plants can destroy natural habitat for animals and plants. Possible land resource impacts include erosion, loss of soil productivity, and landslides.

The above material is reprinted from a document published by  The United States Environmental Protection agency

Clearly if we as individuals want to cut our "carbon footprint" by reducing the quantities of greenhouse gases we emit into the atmosphere, a high efficiency natural gas furnasce will be a good step in this direction. A furnace with 97% efficiency rating will use 35% to 50% less gas than an older furnace of 50% to 60% efficiency. Hence apart from saving money on our gas bills we are also saving our atmosphere from further pollution. For more information about high efficiency furnaces go to gas furnace prices and to  high efficiency furnaces 


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Should You Have Your Air ducts Cleaned Regularly?


Air ducts are the system of metal piping which carries hot air from your furnace into the home to warm it.They also carry cool air from the air conditioner in warm weather. Many people are under the impression that these air ducts can accumulate substantial  amounts of dirt and dust which will then be carried into the home by the air flow from the furnace. But is this really so and should you have your air ducts professionally cleaned at regular intervals. Many people do just this and pay quite large fees for the work. Is is necessary and worthwhile. Here is a quote from the United States Environmental Protection Agency on this subject:

Knowledge about air duct cleaning is in its early stages, so a blanket recommendation cannot be offered as to whether you should have your air ducts in your home cleaned. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) urges you to read this document in it entirety as it provides important information on the subject.

Duct cleaning has never been shown to actually prevent health problems. Neither do studies conclusively demonstrate that particle (e.g., dust) levels in homes increase because of dirty air ducts. This is because much of the dirt in air ducts adheres to duct surfaces and does not necessarily enter the living space. It is important to keep in mind that dirty air ducts are only one of many possible sources of particles that are present in homes. Pollutants that enter the home both from outdoors and indoor activities such as cooking, cleaning, smoking, or just moving around can cause greater exposure to contaminants than dirty air ducts. Moreover, there is no evidence that a light amount of household dust or other particulate mater in air ducts poses any risk to your health.

You should consider having the air ducts in your home cleaned if:

There is substantial visible mold growth inside hard surface (e.g., sheet metal) ducts or on other components of your heating and cooling system. There are several important points to understand concerning mold detection in heating and cooling systems:

Many sections of your heating and cooling system may not be accessible for a visible inspection, so ask the service provider to show you any mold they say exists.
You should be aware that although a substance may look like mold, a positive determination of whether it is mold or not can be made only by an expert and may require laboratory analysis for final confirmation. For about $50, some microbiology laboratories can tell you whether a sample sent to them on a clear strip of sticky household tape is mold or simply a substance that resembles it.
If you have insulated air ducts and the insulation gets wet or moldy it cannot be effectively cleaned and should be removed and replaced.
If the conditions causing the mold growth in the first place are not corrected, mold growth will recur.

Ducts are infested with vermin, e.g. (rodents or insects); or

Ducts are clogged with excessive amounts of dust and debris and/or particles are actually released into the home from your supply registers.
If any of the conditions identified above exists, it usually suggests one or more underlying causes. Prior to any cleaning, retrofitting, or replacing of your ducts, the cause or causes must be corrected or else the problem will likely recur.

Some research suggests that cleaning heating and cooling system components (e.g., cooling coils, fans and heat exchangers) may improve the efficiency of your system, resulting in a longer operating life, as well as some energy and maintenance cost savings. However, little evidence exists that cleaning only the ducts will improve the efficiency of the system.

You may consider having your air ducts cleaned simply because it seems logical that air ducts will get dirty over time and should be occasionally cleaned. Provided that the cleaning is done properly, no evidence suggests that such cleaning would be detrimental. EPA does not recommend that the air ducts be cleaned routinely, but only as needed. EPA does, however, recommend that if you have a fuel burning furnace, stove or fireplace, they be inspected for proper functioning and serviced before each heating season to protect against carbon monoxide poisoning.

If you do decide to have your air ducts cleaned, take the same consumer precautions you normally would in assessing the service provider's competence and reliability.

Air duct cleaning service providers may tell you that they need to apply chemical biocide to the inside of your ducts as a means to kill bacteria (germs) and fungi (mold) and prevent future biological growth. They may also propose the application of a "sealant" to prevent dust and dirt particles from being released into the air or to seal air leaks. You should fully understand the pros and cons of permitting application of chemical biocides or sealants. While the targeted use of chemical biocides and sealants may be appropriate under specific circumstances, research has not demonstrated their effectiveness in duct cleaning or their potential adverse health effects. No chemical biocides are currently registered by EPA for use in internally-insulated air duct systems (see Should chemical biocides be applied to the inside of air ducts?).

Whether or not you decide to have the air ducts in your home cleaned, preventing water and dirt from entering the system is the most effective way to prevent contamination (see How to Prevent Duct Contamination).

The above material is quoted from the EPA website.

So it seems that there is actually little reason to clean air ducts regularly unless you have evidence of a problem. However if you feel better about having this done regularly it will not do any harm to your heating system. Therefore it is a matter for individual choice and is entirely up to you. Just realize that you may be paying quite a lot for a service which is not accomplishing anything helpful.
You can go to our website for more information about gas furnace prices and also high efficiency furnaces.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Energy Efficiency And High Efficiency Furnaces


High efficiency furnaces are all about energy efficiency. The most energy efficient way to heat your home, and at the same time to cut down on greenhouse gas emissions which may be partly responsible for climate change. The more efficient your furnace or heating system is the less fuel it will consume to heat your home.
The following material about energy efficient home heating is quoted directly from Mother Earth News:
Energy-Efficient, Renewable and Alternative Home Heating Options

The Mother Earth News Archive contains over 35 years worth of great articles to help you save money on energy bills, heat and cool your home more efficiently and reduce your dependence on fossil fuels. Now more than ever, the rising costs of electricity and natural gas are inciting people to consider these alternatives. You'll find information here on earth-sheltered and passive solar home design; geothermal heat pumps; insulating your home efficiently; using solar-energy collecting devices as heat sources; tapping renewable sources of energy, such as wood and biodiesel; and choosing back-up generators and other emergency heating options.

This special collection of articles will help you save money and energy this winter!

Do-It-Yourself Solar Heat

The sun's energy can be captured by homemade solar hot-air collectors and thermosiphoning panels to provide free heat. The units direct air warmed by the sun through a window or wall opening into the adjoining room.

If you're serious about cutting your home heating bills this winter, one of our inexpensive, do-it-yourself projects will help.

Passive Solar Home Design

Millions of homes easily could be designed to capture free heat directly from the sun. But instead we are burning — wasting — huge amounts of oil and natural gas every winter. You can incorporate passive-solar heating in any style home. Or you can add solar features when remodeling an existing home, as long as the south side of the house receives full sun most of the day.

Read more: designed, solar homes provide unrivaled comfort in winter and summer. They offer large, south-facing windows, generous views, sunny interiors and open floor plans.

These articles from the Mother Earth News Archive will show you how to build or remodel a home to take advantage of passive solar principles.

Earth-sheltered Houses

Earth-sheltered homes fit a wide range of climates and a variety of building sites, providing energy-efficient, weather-proof shelter. Earth-bermed structures can drastically cut your energy costs by taking advantage of the constancy of the Earth's temperature and thermal mass. In addition, earth-sheltered homes also are protected from heat-robbing winter winds and the scorching summer sun. Paired with passive-solar design, an earth-sheltered home can save you tens of thousands of dollars in fuel bills during your lifetime.

This collection of articles from the Mother Earth News Archive will inspire you to build your dream Earth home.

Renewable Heating Fuels

By conserving energy use and taking advantage of renewable sources of heating fuel, you can reduce your need for fossil fuels significantly. Some of these renewable resources include wood and biodiesel, which can be made from animal fats and plant oils such as soy, canola, sunflower and corn.

You'll find plenty of helpful information in these articles to get you started on a path to fuel independence.

The above material is quoted directly from Mother Earth News

There are lots of ways to slash your energy costs. Here are several articles filled with ideas for money- and energy-saving home improvements, and tips for emergency preparedness during the winter months.

High efficiency furnaces are one of the best ways to cut down on fuel bills by using less fuel to heat your home. As seen above there are a number of other ways which can be taken to achieve energy efficiency. All homeowners should seriously consider installing a high efficiency furnace when the time comes to replace an older furnace.
See our website for more information gas furnace prices and also high efficiency furnaces

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Anatomy Of A High Efficiency Furnace


High efficiency gas furnaces are very popular for use in areas of long winters and colder climate. They do cost more than mid efficiency units but the greater saving in fuel costs will fairly quickly pay for the extra cost. In areas of warmenr climate and shorter winters the payout will take longer and the higherpurchase cost may not be justified. The other factor to be considered of course is that high efficiency furnaces vent much less pollution into the environment. If you are concerned about this the extra cost may be worthwhile to you.What are the main high efficiency furnaces
features that make it more costly? The following expanation is quoted from

In the tutorial Gas Furnace Types and Efficiency Ratings I describe the two main types of gas furnaces in the home, the conventional furnace and the newer high efficiency condensing furnace. The technologies used in these furnaces directly impact their AFUE efficiency rating. Only condensing furnace technology achieves the highest efficiency ratings of over 90% AFUE, with some furnaces reaching over 98% AFUE.
AFUE is an acronym for Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency and is the metric used to measure furnace efficiency. It is simply a ratio between the amount of fuel converted to heat and the amount of fuel which enters the furnace. The higher the AFUE the more efficient the furnace.

The condensing furnace is so efficient and extracts so much heat from the combustion process that its exhaust vent / flue is just warm to the touch, not “burn your fingers hot” like a conventional furnace.

So what makes the conventional furnace and condensing furnace so different, and how does the condensing furnace work? Well, that’s what I’ll explain in this tutorial called Anatomy of a High Efficiency Condensing Furnace. In this tutorial you’ll learn the following about a condensing furnace and its components:
How a Condensing Furnace is Different
Overview of how a condensing furnace works
Air Recycling / Fresh Air Intake
Cold air return
Heat recovery ventilator (optional accessory)
Air filter
Electric blower motor
Blower compartment
Fuel Combustion
Gas burner
Electronic ignition
Combustion chamber
Combustion air intake
Heat Extraction
Primary heat exchanger
Secondary condensing heat exchanger
Condensate drain line
Combustion Exhaust
Draft inducing fan
Plastic flue gas vent
Home Repair Tutorials
Gas Furnaces Types and Efficiencies
Types of Electronic Furnace Ignition
Troubleshooting a Gas Furnace
More Home Repair Tutorials
Troubleshooting a Home Furnace Thermostat
Seasonal Furnace Maintenance
How to Light a Gas Furnace Standing Pilot
Related Articles
Electronic Ignition Gas Furnace - Types of Electronic Ignition Furnaces
Troubleshooting an Electronic Ignition Gas Furnace - Overview and Repair
Types of Furnaces - Single Stage Furnace - Two Stage Furnace - Modulating F...
Troubleshooting a Gas Furnace - Furnace Repair
Home Heating Systems

The above material is quoted directly from

When your old furnace has reached the stage where it must be replaced you have a decision to make. You can install either a mid efficiency furnace(where this is legal) or you can pay more for a high efficiency furnace. There is no doubt that your fuel bills will be less with the high efficiency unit. The above discussion shows you what is entailed in a high efficiency furnace which may help with your decision.
We feel that the lesser fuel costs combined with the lower atmospheric pollution level definitely justifies the higher cost. However this is a decision for the individual consumer to make.
At our website you can obtain more information about gas furnace prices and about high efficiency furnaces.

Monday, December 5, 2011

How Can I Save More On My Natural Gas Heating Bill

High efficiency furnaces can save you a lot of money on your home heating bill when compared to an old inefficient furnace. Your old furnace will have an efficiency of about 60%. This means that 60% of the gas burnt in the furnace goes to heat the home and the remaining 40% is wasted. With a high efficiency furnace 90% to 97% of the fuel burnt is used to directly heat the home. This means that a saving of 35% or more will occur in your fuel cost.The following information is quoted directly from  Saskenergy

As a general rule, you will save 2% on your heating bill for every 1°C you turn down the thermostat overnight.  With a programmable thermostat to consistently lower your heat when you don’t need it, you could save up to $65 a year!
Save Even more Money
H i  g h   E  f  f  i  c i  e n c y   M  o t  o r
Electrical Motor cost per year*
Natural Gas cost per year*
*Based on average home use in Saskatchewan. Actual savings may vary according to
use. Electrical costs based on continuous operation of furnace motor during the winter.
Fuel rates as of August 1, 2010  Natural Gas  $0.2671 m3  Electric  $0.1061 kWh
Save up to $553 a year with an ENERGY
STAR qualified furnace with a brushless DC
motor. Not only will you realize natural gas
savings but electrical savings, too. High
efficiency motors operate efficiently and
economically under varying load conditions
while increasing the efficiency of your heating
and air conditioning system, resulting in
significant energy savings.  Your home will
have better air circulation, even temperature
distribution – plus reduced electrical costs.
How can I save more money?
One of the easiest ways to save energy and money is to install a programmable thermostat. You determine the settings for
your home and the programmable thermostat takes care of raising or lowering the temperature.
•  Clean or replace your furnace filter every 1-2 months. A dirty filter reduces airflow and forces the furnace to run
longer to heat your home.
•  Lower your thermostat by 4-5 degrees Celsius while you’re sleeping at night or when no one is at home.
•  Keep your furnace clean, lubricated and properly adjusted with annual maintenance. If your furnace is working at
peak efficiency, it will use less energy and cost less to operate.

The above material is quoted directly from Saskenergy

When your old furnace is in need of replacement it is highly recommended that you should replace it with a high efficiency furnace, specifically a high efficiency condensing gas furnace of 90% to 97% efficiency. not only will you save greatly on your home heating bill but you will also cut down on the polluting gases which are emitted into the environment.
See our website for more information about high efficiency furnaces 

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Is Your Gas Furnace Safe?

Natural gas is one of the commonly used home heating fuels at present. It is relatively low in cost, and safe in usage. There are however possible problems which can occur and the best way to avoid them is to properly maintain the heating system as is detailed in this report quoted from CSA International:

Gas Furnace Maintenance
    -   Keep warm air registers, return air openings, and space heaters or
        baseboards clear of furniture, rugs and drapes to allow free air
    -   Do not store combustible materials such as paper, chemicals, paint,
        rags and cleaning products near your gas furnace.
    -   Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapours and liquids
        in the vicinity of your gas furnace.
    -   Ensure that there is a free flow of air to the furnace. Keep the area
        immediately around your furnace clear by removing any obstructions.
    -   Clean or replace your furnace filter frequently during the heating
    -   Have a qualified heating contractor perform a yearly maintenance
        check of your furnace and venting system.
    -   Any home that contains combustion appliances such as a gas furnace
        should have a CSA-certified carbon monoxide alarm installed according
        to the manufacturer's instructions. If you intend to purchase a new
        carbon monoxide alarm, be sure to look for one bearing the CSA
        Certification Flame mark and CSA 6.19-01 reference mark.

The above material is quoted from the  CSA International website - a recognised authority on the subject. CSA International provides product testing and certification for gas, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, and other product,s which is recognized in Canada, U.S.A. and most other countries.

Gas furnace maintenance is crucial to efficient operation as well as to safety. It is largely a matter of common sense and should not be neglected or problems may arise. It is always wise to be very cautious if the smell of natural gas occurs in the home or if the CO2 detector sounds an alarm. Get out of the house and inform authorities immediately. For more information go to gas furnace prices or to high efficiency furnaces


Friday, December 2, 2011

The Three Types Of High Efficiency Gas Furnace


There are three major types of gas furnace. These are 1. single stage furnace. 2. Two stage furnace. 3. Modulating furnace. The simplest of these and least expensive is the single stage furnace. This appliance also has the lowest AFUE rating and is usually 80% to 82% efficient. This is known as a medium efficiency furnace and is very commonly used in areas where winters are relatively mild and short. The two stage furnace and the modulating furnace are more complex in construction and as a result cost more. They have efficiency ratings of 90% up to 98% and use the least fuel to warm your home.

The high efficiency furnaces with their high AFUEs will save you the most on fuel costs. The other thing that must be considered however is the much higher initial cost. Will the extra investment be paid back in a reasonable time by the savings in your fuel bills?

A discussion of the three types of gas furnace is published in and the following is quoted from that website:

Who cares about furnaces? As long as they stay quiet, remain out of the way, and do their job, most homeowners give them little thought.
Until it's December 21st and the furnace has taken its last breath and all the heating/cooling companies seem to be shut tight for the holidays. Then, your furnace gets an awful lot of thought.

Acquaint yourself with three major types of gas furnaces before the salesperson rolls up to your door. We have arranged the furnace types in order of efficiency (AFUE*) and cost, least efficient and lowest cost leading the way.

First, let's briefly discuss furnace efficiency. The Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) measures the amount of fuel converted to space heat in proportion to the amount of fuel entering the furnace. This is commonly expressed as a percentage.

Single Stage Furnace

You've probably lived in a house with a single stage furnace. The gas flame is either on or off. Consequently, the furnace waits for the temperature in the house to get cold--often colder than comfortable--before firing on. Then, the furnace rams the house full of heat until the thermostat shuts the system down.
You're left with a lot of heat build-up, which is great if you're a "cold-blooded" person but bad for your energy bills. For a target of 72 degrees, actual temperatures in your house might range as low as 68 degrees and as high as 76 degrees. Single stage furnaces are the most wasteful in terms of energy, but they are the lowest cost to purchase.

Two-Stage or Dual-Stage Furnace

The two-stage furnace is a little smarter than the single stage furnace. Rather than a simple on/off operation, its flame can be on/high, on/low, or off.
Adding this second flame setting makes a dramatic difference in energy costs. Two stage furnaces are much quieter than single stage furnaces and slightly higher cost.

For a target of 72 degrees, actual temperatures in your house might range as low as 70 degrees and as high as 74 degrees.

Modulating Furnace

This furnace adjusts its flame incrementally so that the true temperature never varies more than 1 or 2 degrees from the thermostat's target temperature.
In terms of comfort, it's the most comfortable gas furnace you can buy because you avoid those long, cold periods (found in single and two stage furnaces) and high build-ups of heat when the furnace eventually responds.

In addition to a variable flame, the blower is variable according to demand.

For a target of 72 degrees, actual temperatures in your house might range as low as 71 degrees and as high as 73 degrees.

Modulating gas furnaces are among the most energy efficient furnaces and are rated at 98% efficiency. These are also the highest cost furnaces.

AFUE, or Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency, according to EnergyStar, "measures the amount of fuel converted to space heat in proportion to the amount of fuel entering the furnace. This is commonly expressed as a percentage."

The above material is quoted from the website and gives a good picture of the characteristics of the three different types of gas furnace. The extra comfort provided by a high efficiency two stage or modulating furnace is undoubtedly considerable. The lower quantities of polluting gases emitted into the atmosphere by high efficiency furnaces is another benefit well worth consideration. The final decision as to what type of gas furnace should be installed is of course a matter for the individual consumer to decide for himself. You will find more information at gas furnace prices and also at high efficiency furnaces

Thursday, December 1, 2011

What Is The Energy Efficiency Rating Of A Gas Furnace?


High efficiency  furnaces are the ultimate in home heating efficiency. They save energy, save you money and save the environment. High efficiency condensing gas furnaces have efficiency ratings of from 90% up to 97% AFUE. This means that 90 to 97% of the fuel burnt is actually converted into heat for your home

.Gas furnace prices prices vary according to the level of efficiency and therefore complexity of the furnace. But how can you tell what the AFUE is for any particular high efficiency furnace.The answer is simple and ia explained in this quotation from the Canadian Government Natural Resources Canada website:

How can you tell the level of efficiency of a gas furnace?

Look for the EnerGuide label                  

To determine the efficiency level of a gas furnace, check its EnerGuide rating on the back page of the manufacturer's brochure – the higher the rating, the more efficient the model. Check where the EnerGuide rating is situated on the scale to see if the furnace you are buying is in the high-efficiency zone.

Even better, just look for the ENERGY STAR® symbol

Natural Resources Canada's Office of Energy Efficiency promotes the international ENERGY STAR symbol in Canada. The symbol identifies products that use less energy, thereby helping you save money and help protect the environment. The symbol can be found on the furnace, on the packaging or in promotional or educational literature. Only the top energy performers are eligible to use the ENERGY STAR symbol – residential gas furnaces must have an AFUE rating of 90 or higher to qualify.

If you decide to purchase a high-efficiency furnace, you should also consider installing a programmable thermostat that will allow you to preset household temperatures for specific times of the day and night. As a general rule, you can save 2 percent on your heating bill for every 1°C you turn down the thermostat. However, the temperature setback should not be set lower than 17°C. Some thermostats offer you the ability to separate weekday and weekend programs, each with up to four customized temperature settings, thereby maximizing your energy savings.

The above material is quoted directly from the Government of Canada Natural Resources Canada website.

As you can see the AFUE rating of any high efficiency furnace is to be seen in a label attached to the exterior of the furnace. You should read this label befgre your new furnace is installed in your home in order to be sure that you are getting a furnace which qualifies for government grants.

See our website for more information about gas furnace prices  and also high efficiency furnaces