Sunday, October 30, 2011

High Efficiency Furnaces Require An Insulated Energy Efficient Home

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Many homes more than twenty years old have inadequate insulation for high efficiency use of heating systems. Before installing a high efficiency furnace this should be remedied by installing the necessary insulation materials in the walls, roof and basement of the home.

Wall Insulation for Existing Construction

The two types of wall most often seen are ofwood-frame construction or solid brick built. For insulating a wood-frame construction wall, loose fill or foam type insulating material is blown into the cavities through holes through holes which have been drilled through the drywall on the inside of the house or through the siding on the outside. Solid brick construction walls have no cavity which is big enough for insulation. A new wall must be built inside the home and insulated during its construction, alternatively board stock along with new siding can be applied to the exterior of the home although this is somewhatless effective usually. When planning to do a cavity wall retrofit, remember the following:

Costs For Building A New Wall Are High.

Air and vapour barriers will be needed. Interior drywall itself ,when painted, is an effective air and vapour barrier. Insulation should be applied to will fill the cavity without any settling. Foam insulation can be installed and  is an air barrier in itself.

Attic Insulation

The attic is always cost-effective to insulate. The most common method used is loose fill blown between and over the ceiling joists. Alternatively fibreglass batts may be laid on top ofexisting insulation.

Basement Insulation

Basement walls have to handle moisture coming from both inside and outside the home. The most effective insulation method, is to cover walls on the outside with rigid insulation which is recommended for below ground use, for example you can use extruded polystyrene or rigid fibreglass material.

This has the following advantages:

Works very well for damp-proofing walls and for the drainage of foundations. Rigid fibreglass or mineral wool materials can be used as a drainage layer to keep water away from the foundation of the home.

The basement walls are kept at inside room temperature, which cuts down interior condensation.

The disadvantages are the high cost and also the necessity to cover the insulation above the ground.

Interior insulation methods can also be used. This is accomplished with batt insulation between the studs, or by using extruded polystyrene with strapping on the walls. The advantages of using interior insulation are lower costs and easy application. The disadvantages of interior insulation are as follows:

Any moist air which moves through the wall from inside the home will condense on the cold wall on the outside. Interior insulation should not ever be used in a basement which has had problems with moisture.

Is Insulating Your Home Really Cost Effective?

There is no doubt that good insulation systems will save you money on heating bills, and will cut energy consumption, while also making the home more comfortable for its occupants.

For more information about high efficiency furnaces check out our website  high efficiency furnaces

1 comment:

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