Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I Need A New Furnace--What Type Should I Buy?

If your present furnace is getting pretty long in the tooth, and has been giving you some problems it is definitely time to get a new one. The big question you are faced with is what type and make of of furnace you should buy. Is a mid efficiency furnace good enough? It costs about $1000 less than a high efficiency model and that is quite a bit of cash to pay out if you don't really need the higher efficiency model. Will the higher cost be worthwhile and will it save much on your fuel bill?.

Just take a look at the details. Mid efficiency furnaces convert 80 to 82% of the fuel burnt into heat to warm your home. High efficiency furnaces convert 90% to 97% of the gas they burn into effective heat to warm your house. The remaining 3% to 10% of the fuel is wasted and the heat goes out through the furnace flue or exhaust.

It is very obvious that high efficiency furnaces will save a fairly large amount on your fuel bill and this is even more true in areas with colder climates, where more fuel is going to be used to keep the home warm. There is no doubt that finding new supplies of natural gas will cost more in the future and because of this natural gas prices will rise substantially. The savings in fuel costs will be even bigger at these higher prices.As a result there is no question that high efficiency furnaces is are the best buy even with the higher purchase price. Gas furnace prices.

To find more information on high efficiency furnaces, and the advantages they present, take a look at our website high efficiency furnaces and to read articles on this and other subjects check out Articles


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